Motivational Monday Volume 223! Some great lessons we can learn from children on how to enjoy our lives!

Today’s quote: “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.” Paulo Coelho

Lesson 1: Every day is a fresh start.

Wasn’t it always amazing how the end of a school day always felt so final, so finished?

Because when you are young, every day feels like an eternity and a new day means new opportunities to make new friends, explore new adventures, learn new things. Children don’t carry baggage from one day to the next. They start fresh, always.

Lesson 2: Creative pursuits are fun and good for you.

How often do you see children losing themselves in a creative project for hours at a time? Drawing, playing with clay, building a sandcastle with meticulous attention to detail. For some reason, as we get older, we stop seeing creative activities as worthwhile.

How many adults, aside from artists, draw on a regular basis? How many play with clay or finger paint just for the fun of it?

Lesson 3:  Be active

When you were young, playing outside was the highlight of your day.
You would run and chase your friends until you were out of breath and your cheeks were rosy.

You would jump and do cartwheels at the drop of a hat and you never thought of it as “exercise” or “daily fitness.” It was just playing. And it was fun.

Take Action:

Which of these life lessons from children can you practice more of?

Kind regards,

Bernard and the team at Premier Group NZ!


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