Motivational Monday # 82: What were you worried about 12 months ago?

What were you worried about 12 months ago?

A friend shared an interesting experience with me recently

On the way to lunch, my friend had a sprained wrist that was painful and he was wondering if it was healing properly. However, shortly after that thought, he noticed two ambulances, two police cars, and two fire engines on the side of the road.

Two cars had obviously had a crash in the last 10-15 minutes and one car was upside down in someone’s driveway. Suddenly my friend was not worried at all about his sore wrist. Instead, he thought the people in this car crash have a lot more
to worry about than I do.

And this story reminded of two great questions to eliminate a lot of worries and stress.

Question 1: What was I worried about exactly one year ago?

I asked myself that question today and I have no idea what I was worried about it.

Question 2: If I am worried about something today, in 10 years time will it really matter?

With regards to my friends sprained wrist, it should hopefully be healed in the next few weeks so in 10 years time it won’t matter at all.

Take action:

If you have concerns and worries right now you might like to try
asking these 2 questions. They might be helpful.

Today’s quote: “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”– Swedish Proverb


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