Motivational Monday # 70: Positive Daily Routines are the key

There is a terrific book on success called ‘The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy the publisher of success magazine. The one thing that Hardy noted about really successful people was that they had great daily routines.

People who are not successful, in contrast, get up at different times, work some days and not feel like it on others, and lack a core of unbreakable commitments.

Consider two friends

One decides to exercise just a little more each week, spend twenty minutes reading a personal development book, and give a little compliment to his wife each day.

The other doesn’t see the need for any change, and buys a bigger television to watch his favorite programs in comfort. After a year, there won’t be much noticeable difference between the two men.

But check back on them after 5 years, and the one who chose a bit more exercise has seen how it benefits him, and is doing more of it. He is learning about the power of habits, and is getting interested in the mind and relationships.

The second guy is retreating to his man cave, watching an extra show each night, and enjoying an extra beer.

Come back in 10 years, and the two have ever less in common.

The first man has a healthy body, healthy mind, and successful marriage.

The other is also growing (horizontally).

Because he never bothered to learn anything new about relationships, emotions, or basic psychology, or doesn’t feel the need for self-examination. He mistakenly thinks that all his problems are due to others. He starts blaming his wife, his boss, and the government for everything. He increasingly looks like a loser.

Habits never lie.

Whatever people say are their priorities, Hardy says, it’s their habits and behaviors – what they are doing every minute of every day that tell the truth.

Action Exercise:

How much time do you spent on the internet or watching television, keeping up with the goals and accomplishments of others? How much money do you spent putting money in other people’s pockets, making them rich?

Make a decision to spend your time and your resources on your own development.


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Today’s quote:

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” – Bill Gates


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