Motivational Monday Volume 130! A simple way to feel happier fast!

Today’s quote: “Positive self-talk is to emotional pain as pain pill is to physical pain.”– Edmond Mbiaka

A 2015 brain-imaging study published in the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Journal, had scientist reviewing what happens in the brain when people practice using affirmations.

They found that participants who were using affirmations showed increase activity in the region of the brain that processes self-worth and valuation.

One easy way to get in the daily habit of using affirmations is to come up with five positive sentences about yourself beginning with the words, “I am.” For example, “I am living my best life,” “I am loved”, or “I am healthy”. Then, repeat those statements aloud first thing in the morning ane again before you go to sleep at night.

This will boost your self-esteem and program your subconscious to think more positive thoughts.

And it will make you feel happier fast.

Take action:

Try using affirmations yourself and see how they make you feel.


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