Motivational Monday #127! Simple ways to be happy!

Today’s quote: “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” – Dale Carnegie

I saw some great reminders about how to be happy on the Dry July website.

Here are some tips I really liked…

1: Do exercise you like

With music you like. A McMaster University study found runners who exercised to their own playlist managed to increase their sprint performance because they were working out to a soundtrack they enjoyed.

How do you know what works for you?

“Take note of how your mind and body felt after. When the mind is happy, the body will follow.”

2: Practice gratitude, daily

The American Psychological Association found when comparing two groups – those who kept a list of things they were grateful for showed significantly higher life satisfaction after ten weeks than those who wrote about things that bugged them.

“Cultivating an ‘attitude of gratitude’ will help sleep, decreases anxiety and promotes kinder behaviour,” says Sydney-based naturopath Anthia Koullouros.

“Keep a journal and recording one to five things a day you’re grateful for. My clients who do keep one have a happier disposition, fewer physical problems and take the time to take care of themselves.”

3. Drink enough water

Sounds simple enough (and a bore to hear) but keeping hydrated could be the key to boosting happiness.

The University of Connecticut found when we’re mildly dehydrated, it not only leads to headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating, it affects mood as well.

4. Wake up earlier each day

What is it that old saying ‘the early bird gets the worm.’ Well it might just have scientific backing.

The University of Toronto found early risers feel more awake, alert, happier and motivated to tackle the day over night owls.

Aly Clarke, natural early riser and yoga teacher at BodyMindLife says by starting early helps awaken the soul.

“I wake and am at my desk or on my mat before the sun is up so I can tackle the day,” says Clarke. “The stillness allows me to write, design, exercise, dance with ideas or play with new yoga sequences.”

Take Action:

Which of these simple tips to be happier would you like to try yourself?


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