Business Success Thursday # 49

If you want more sales then change your Mental Model

Many people know that Roger Bannister ran the first-ever mile in under 4 minutes.

It was on May 6, 1954, and Roger busted through the four-minute mile barrier with a time of three minutes, fifty-nine and four-tenths of a second.

Runners all over the world had been trying to break the four-minute mile record since 1886. And it took nearly 70 years for one person to finally break
that record. 

What was interesting to me was that as soon as Roger Bannister broke the record runners everywhere could now see that it was actually possible to do.

And during the last 50 years over a thousand runners have broken the four-minute mile time.

In their book, The Power of Impossible Thinking, Yoram Wind and Colin Crook devote an entire chapter to an assessment of Bannister’s feat.

How is it, they wonder, that so many runners smashed the four-minute barrier after Bannister became the first to do it?

“Was there a sudden growth spurt in human evolution? Was there a genetic engineering experiment that created a new race of super runners?


What changed was the mental model.

The runners of the past had been held back by a mindset that said they could not surpass the four-minute mile. When that limit was broken, the others saw that they could do something they had previously thought impossible.”

And this same concept of mental models works just as well in sales and marketing as well.

When you change your mental models around sales and marketing you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. 

What are your mental models around sales and marketing right now? And is it possible that these mental models could be limiting your results?

Today’s quote: ” Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale


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